About Peace
And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful.
Colossians 3:15
History of Peace Lutheran Church and School
Peace Lutheran Church was formed in 1995. It started small with about 20 members and met in a downtown office building. While in that building, Peace started a preschool, daycare center, and kindergarten.
To serve more people, Peace built its second building on the south side of Brookings in 2000. The main space was a gymnasium that served as sanctuary on Sunday and was used by the children during the week.
In 2014, Peace moved into its current building on 22nd Avenue. This was an amazing blessing from God, so more families could be served during the week and on Sunday. The current building has twelve classrooms, a dining area, office spaces, and a large sanctuary. Soli Deo gratia, to God alone, be thanks.

Peace's major mission is its school. Peace provides a place of safety and love for children from four weeks to five years old in our Early Childhood Center. Every day, they get to hear and experience the love of God.
We also have an Elementary School which runs like an old-fashioned one-room schoolhouse for children in kindergarten through third grade. The goal is to add more grades in the near future. In our school, children have the blessing of being able to use God's Word daily. They can listen to the voice of the One who created them, cares for them, comforts them, and saves them and all creation through the blood of His Son.

Peace is a member of the Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod (LCMS). Peace is glad to be one of nearly 6,000 LCMS congregations in the United States. Peace's school is one of 1,600 Early Childhood Centers and preschools as well as one of 800 elementary schools.
Peace accepts without reservation the Holy Bible as the Word of God from cover to cover. We are thankful for its message of salvation and hope through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. We know that we do not deserve any of God's blessings because of our failure to follow His will for our lives. We are glad He called us to be His own by His Holy Spirit through His Word. We just thank Him for His ongoing love.
We are amazed at what He has done in our midst so far, and we look forward to seeing what is to come.

Tri-Point Parish
Peace is part of a tri-point parish with Redeemer Lutheran Church, Flandreau, and Zion Lutheran Church, White. Peace and Redeemer have been affiliated since 2000, and Zion joined the parish in 2020.
Redeemer's building is located near the public school in Flandreau and operates a preschool which roughly half of each class at the public school has attended.
Zion is quite active in the community, helping children with backpacks and other necessary supplies each Fall and feeding senior citizens in the winter, given them a place to gather and socialize.

Hours & Locations
Peace Lutheran Church
1104 22nd Ave So.
Brookings, SD
Worship Services & Fellowship
Worship Service: 8:15 AM
Adult Bible Study / Fellowship: 9:15 AM
Sunday School: 9:15 AM
Worship Service: 10:30 AM
Contact us
Early Childhood Center
1104 22nd Ave So.
Brookings, SD
Mon - Fri: 7AM - 6 PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed